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How the new Coronavirus shows us the need for holistic health

In this day of strange changes caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus the need for good all around health is even greater. I'm not claiming that I or being fit in a holistic way can keep you immune from this virus. Since doctors are baffled by the sudden emergence of this new plague-like illness has the world scrambling for ways to avoid being afflicted while at the same time searching for ways to remain stable both physically and mentally while being confined to stay home alone while avoiding contact with others as best we can. Is the worst part that doctors are unable to see us for our regular checkups or the lack of tests for the specific disease? I've always stressed to my clients that they need to keep in contact with their regular doctors while incorporating what they and I discuss as additional ways to obtain maximum health and always seek the advice of their doctors when I make a suggestion. i can only stress my policy of a free consultations now because I like to do my share in helping everyone I can reach. I would most likely stress stress reducing herbs , as well as immune boosting supplements in addition to a regular meditation and kundalini yoga practice which can not only help keep your body fit, reduce stress levels and in the process boost your immune system to help figjht off diseases such as this new one the world has yet to fully combat. So call today for a free consultation to be on your way to becoming healthy in your entire being. Of course for now, it can be done remotely-and I'm always happy to help.

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