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Group Yoga Classes

Let's face it. We live in a health conscious society, and here in S. Florida putting our healthiest self out into the world is a predominant part of our sunshine enamored lives. Health clubs, gyms, and personal trainers are built-in parts of our daily lives. Yoga classes are commonplace in most gyms and training programs. I consider my objective is to give people a chance at becoming the healthiest they can possibly make their self.As a holistic health specialist it's my goal to help clients with current ailments in ways modern medicine ignores. I also think of myself as an educator in the field of health optimization, showing different ways to use one's own self to heal old injuries or just to become whole. I'm driven by this passion of uncovering ancient esoteric techniques because these are the ways which have guided me from illness to self-realization, and, more importantly to be comfortable with myself.Like many, When I first started my practice of yoga and meditation, I was skeptical that these seemingly simple methods could yeiid the results of body, mind, and spirit connection of which were promised. In fact I couldn't even comprehend what this term, body, mind, and spirit even meant. My career as a healer has been guided by my own personal practices of the discipline of yoga.

Yoga has become a buzz-word here in our culture and the word conjures images of health through stretching one's muscles as the underlying secret to ultimate health. In our "dollar is king" world people don't make the time to take maximum care of their most important asset-themselves. Even though meditation has been deemed the single healthiest activity one can do for themselves most people refuse to take the time to give themselves a treat for which they would eventually be eternally grateful of the overall relaxation benefits it would provide. Since I consider myself a modern day servant of the community I'm now adding a division of my practice which will include group yoga classes where I'll teach comfortably sized groups the ancient discipline of yoga with concentration on activating and energizing your chakra system to achieve the total body,mind, spirit connection and I guarantee with further practice you will feel healthy in a way you've never felt before. The classes will be conveniently located to the members in each class, will include copies in note form of what we learn, as well as a suggested reading list to carry your practice as far as you like. The classes will be on a weekly basis and last eight ti nine weeks each. For information and to sign up call my office number to be put on the class list.

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