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Addiction is a major health concern

Hi all. I know I haven't posted any new updates for some time and I apologize to my readers and those in need of health solutions. It's 2018 and I've undergone a lot of change in my life-new home, family changes, etc. and that is parallel to the changing world of today, so as a holistic practitioner maybe it means a self-fulfilling prophecy. The ever-changing world in which we live never fails to bring about changes in people's needs to change some attitudes regarding their health practices, especially how we maintain balance. Political ideals aside-I could speak to people needing help finding positive outlooks and keeping negatives at bay. For those of you looking for help from their holistic practices,in turning to my help, I could say in jest " who knows? maybe I'll run for President some day." This phrase could be pertly responsible for those of you who've become addicted to the major news networks , maybe seeking humor amidst all the turmoil of the day's political controversies,one of the real troubles of our current day which seems to remain a constant concern for our people is the growing crisis of addiction. It is one of many of the very real crises which need to be addressed as soon as possible, although a cure is not very easy to come about nor can it be certain to solve the current epidemic we have as a nation. As one with personal knowledge with addiction it's my opinion that individually, one can only change their addictive behaviors with a holistic approach. One Buddhist view claims that addictions are a result of an inability to let go. When one holds on to grief and worries he is likely to seek solace in anything that will bring happiness, e.g., drugs, food, sex, spending, gambling, etc. I'm sure most of you can tell that these provide but temporary relief and are only symptoms of a sufferer's deep emotional strife. As in my approach to holistic health, another view would say that this need to seek outside gratification is that an imbalance has occurred within the person's energy system. This fact may be backed up by knowing which types of vices one has chosen-or have chosen him,perhaps. For instance, when I encounter an addict who seeks that stimulation in the mind by using drugs such as marijuana, LSD, etc. I can usually conclude that this is a person who needs his mind to be stimulated in order to work through some emotional turmoil through means of rationalization or justification in the mind. Their an offsetting balance between the energy of the mind and of the emotions which brings equilibrium. Those who choose opioids or alcohol as their vessel for relief usually prefer to just sit on their emotions or drown in their sorrows so to speak. Naturally, cures can be found in a realignment of their energies, and/or meditation which is the only true way to cause lasting change. Meditation and finding a spiritual outlet can actually help a person find comfort without reaching out to outside substances or outlets.

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