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Holistic Healing

Healing is the restoration of a sense of oneness and wholeness. Curing, on the other

hand, is defined as the elimination of the signs and symptoms of disease or damage, and

restoration to a previous state of health. Cure derives from the Latin curare, which

means to care for. The modern use has become narrower and is now limited to stopping

a disease process often with little or no consideration of the patient’s spiritual or

emotional well-being. The diagnosis and cure of disease provides the foundation and

focus of our current allopathic health care system. Curing almost always focuses on the

person as a physical body. If it is impossible to cure or fix the physical body allopathic

practitioners may perceive that there is nothing more that can be done. The process of

curing occurs within the normal boundaries of spacetime.

Curing is limited to a state of disease or trauma; whereas, healing concentrates on treating the whole person on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. The word heal comes from the Greek word halos and the Anglo-Saxon word haelen which means, to be,make, or become whole. The word holy was also derived from these same sources.

Therefore, healing means to restore balance and harmony, or make whole. Healing is not

just the process of eliminating signs and symptoms of a disease, but restoring the whole

person on all levels. This wholeness extends beyond a sense of oneness of the body,

mind, and spirit to include oneness with all there is.

This state of immanence is embraced by both the new physics and the great mystical

traditions. Physicists tell us that all things in the universe emerge from the same energy

field and are comprised of this energy. Chinese Taoist philosophers also tell us that all

things are formed from the same field of potential energy. There is a famous passage

attributed to Confucius, “That which is beyond form is called Dao and all that is formed

is called vessel . . . There is no vessel apart from Dao nor is there an activity of Dao apart

from the vessel. Both are originally one (Yuasa 187).” Each of us, body, mind, and spirit

are unified in one great field of intelligence.

 This energy is the unifying force that permeates all of life and is manifested in one’s

entire being. It is this essence that is at work in holistic healing and actually it must be

present for effective curing as well. Two thousand years ago, Hippocrates (460-377

B.C.) stated that it is nature that actually cures disease. It is miraculous that there is an

innate intelligence at work directing the movement toward equilibrium. When tissue is

damaged and loses its integrity there are internal mechanisms in place within the body

that immediately activate the processes to restore integrity and wholeness.And since I believe so greatly in what I do my initial consultation is always free.


Jeffrey Cohen


Available Treatments

Energy healing

Natural herbs & remedies

Yoga and meditation

Guiding for spiritual growth

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